Bonsai developer documentation

Bonsai consists of a front end, an API layer, and several services that perform long-running or computationally intensive tasks. The front end uses the API to query or update the database and to create jobs for the services to execute. Redis is used as a queue and for caching the results of API queries. The services listen for submitted jobs, perform the task, and return the results to Redis. The front end can then request status updates of submitted jobs using the unique job id it received when it requested the job.

digraph bonsai {

    edge [dir=both]

    user [shape=Msquare; label=User]

    mongo_db [shape=cylinder; style=filled; fillcolor="#84ba5f"; label=MongoDb]
    redis_db [shape=cylinder; style=filled; fillcolor="#dc382c"; label=Redis]

    frontend [shape=box; label="Front end"]
    api [shape=box; label=API]
    minhash [shape=box; label="MinHash\nservice"]
    cluster [shape=box; label="Allele cluster\nservice"]

    signatures [shape=note; style="filled"; fillcolor="lightgrey"; label="Signature\nfiles"]

    // arrows
    user -> frontend -> api

    api -> mongo_db
    api -> redis_db -> minhash -> signatures
    redis_db -> cluster

Overview of Bonsai software stack.
